Stanislava Tothova


my name is Stanislava Tothová and I am a graduate of Fashion Design at the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Karlovy Vary. I am currently studying Art History at the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Design. I have been involved in clothing design since childhood - machine sewing, hand sewing, hand embroidery, knitting and other textile techniques.


I sew custom and original collections, focusing mainly on clothing for everyday wear, but I also design and create dance and historical costumes. I conceive of clothing as a means of expressing its wearer, whom it should serve faithfully for many years.


Oversized minimalist cuts and sleek silhouettes are chosen to bring out the aesthetic and functional benefits of a quality material. I work primarily with natural materials, and when possible, I choose deadstock or leftover material. However, upcycling is not always possible or practical, in which case I recommend investing in a timeless garment of premium quality, ideally locally made.

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I have taken a liking to wool from for creating women's and men's coats, I use linen for linings, but also as the most suitable material for dresses that can be worn all year round.

You can see more of my work on my:Facebook or  Instagram


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